Caroline is a survivor of child sexual abuse, incest, family and domestic violence and trauma and identifies as a Lived Experience Expert. Since releasing her memoir in 2022 and publicly sharing her lived experience, she has stepped into the arenas of advocacy and activism. In the past few years, she has contributed her lived experience to private, not-for-profit and government organisations in the hope that lessons can be gained from what she has been subjected to and then applied to supporting survivors and reducing the harm created by perpetrators.

Caroline’s lived experience keynote presentations are a combination of her story and relevant research that highlights the key learning relevant to the audience or theme. Presentations and the elements included are tailored to suit the event and audience, though Caroline’s lived experience always forms the foundation of her work.

These lived experience keynote presentations are trauma-informed, deeply moving and vital to the success of reducing and eliminating child sexual abuse, incest and other forms of trauma. They are best suited to industry-specific events and conferences that are seeking lived experience contributors as well as organisations and grassroots agencies who work in this area looking to further deepen their understanding of survivors.

An example of Caroline’s presentations can be found here.

Download the full speaker brochure here or please contact us to book Caroline as a speaker for your next event